Katie Sky – Monsters mp3下载 mp3歌曲下载 mp3音乐免费下载 mp3音乐下载


Katie Sky – Monsters 歌词

I see your monsters I see your pain
Tell me your problems I’ll chase them away
I’ll be your lighthouse
I’ll make it okay
When I see your monsters
I’ll stand there so brave
And chase them all away
I’ll be your
And chase them all away
And chase them all away
In the dark we we
We stand apart we we
Never see that the things that
We need are staring right at us
You just want to hide hide hide
Hide never show your smile smile smile
Stand alone when you need someone it’s the hardest thing of all
That you see are the bad bad bad
Bad memories take your time and you’ll find me
I’ll be your
I see your monsters I see your pain
Tell me your problems I’ll chase them away
I’ll be your lighthouse
I’ll make it okay
When I see your monsters
I’ll stand there so brave
And chase them all away
I’ll be your
And chase them all away
And chase them all away
I see your monsters I see your pain
Tell me your problems I’ll chase them away
I’ll be your lighthouse I’ll make it okay
When I see your monsters I’ll stand there so brave
And chase them all away


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版权声明:本站原创文章,由 橘子 于2025-02-12发表,共计1061字。